Sunday, March 23, 2008

More Sauce!

in some way shape or form our creations are always evolving whether we alter them or not it is the paradox of interpretation being the original creator of the previous posts i have analyzed them to see how or what can be added deleted or changed and i realized that the previous posts and a great deal of my writings are like an unsolved jigsaw puzzle once i become estranged from the project and come back to it i have a whole new perspective the image completely changes the project looks totally different than when i left it thus altering it can either become easier or more difficult

my perfect 

you are my baby
my star
could one be more perfect that you

is there something i can add, maybe
so far
what more could i do

sometimes change is good baby
i like you the way you are
after some careful review

i'll try to just remove your gloss
but i promise to give you extra sauce!

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